Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Aims and Objectives

Aim A- Social/Emotional and Moral
Development of the child
1. Helping the child to adjust to school
2. Helping the child to relate to people adult and children.
3. Emotional development through play (individual and group play)
4. Social training to help the child to interact with others.
5. Establishment of self confidence, self control and self discipline.
6. Moral development and respect for rules through play. (Stories)

Aim B- Intellectual development through observing, listening and doing
1. Understanding patterns and sequence.
2. Recognizing by observing. Listening and doing.
3. Recognition of cause and effect.
4. Encouraging developing child’s curiosity.
5. Comparing judging and problem solving.
6. Development of pre reading skills.

Aim C- Language development.
1. Development of speech, coherence and comprehension.
2. Development of understanding.
3. Development of listening skills.
4. Combining actions and words.
5. Building vocabulary.
6. Participating actively in simple discussion.
7. Use of the environment to stimulate conversation.

Aim D- Aesthetic/ psychomotor development
1. Appreciation of beauty, sight, sound and touch.
2. Development of senses through creative activities.
3. Development of senses though poetry and stories.
4. Creative experience through symbolic play.
5. Discrimination between natural and man-made objects

Aim E- Physical/health education
1. Awareness and control of the body formation through healthy habits.
2. Development of fine and gross movement.
3. Development of physical co-ordination.
4. Awareness of the body space. The development of physical fitness and well being.
5. Establishment and maintaining the limits of safety.

Aim-F – Co-operation between home and school
1. Involving parents in the child’s development.
2. Motivating the child through parental environment.
3. Introducing the children to the first few days in school
4. Opening of school contacts with parents.
5. Creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding.
6. Establishing links among home, school and community.
7. Parental guidance before the child enters the school.

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